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I feel like I’ve been quite obsessed with fennel this year. With each trip to the grocery store, I find myself standing above the fennel section admiring their curvaceous white bulbs and often lofty stalks adorned with fresh, fragrant fronds. Seriously… who could resist? I also thoroughly enjoy prepping fennel. With each slice of the knife, a crisp, clean hit of licorice wafts up from the cutting board. Unfortunately, fennel seems to be quite the controversial vegetable. Fennel is often described as having a black licorice flavor. A flavor people usually love or hate. While fennel does have a licorice flavor, it is nothing like the strong, offensive licorice taste experienced when eating one of those vile, multicolored grannie candies. Fennel has a light, herbal licorice flavor that can be enjoyed sweet, savory, cooked or raw. Try caramelizing fennel and using as a pizza topping (here is an image of a recently made white pizza with caramelized shallots and fennel). Sliced fennel can be added to most salads and chopped fennel fronds can provide a fresh note to your favorite summer sides. This recipe for Fennel Infused Vodka features two fennel bulbs steeped for several days in vodka. The resulting infusion can be enjoyed in many ways, but my favorite is on the rocks with a squeeze of lemon juice and a dab of simple syrup. Continue reading for the recipe.

Fennel Infused Vodka
- 2 fennel bulbs (with fronds)
- 1 1.75 liter bottle good quality vodka
- Cut fennel stalks and fronds from the bulbs. Wrap stalks and fronds in a damp paper towel and store in the refrigerator. Quarter fennel bulbs then place in a large, airtight jar. Add the vodka, seal the jar and let steep for 5 days in a cool, dark spot. On day 3, take the stalks and fronds the refrigerator. Trim fronds from the stalks and add to the jar with vodka and bulbs. Discard stalks. Reseal the jar and shake.*
- Strain the vodka into a clean jar or bottle through a fine mesh basket strainer lined with a layer of cheesecloth.** Discard solids.
Averie says
Looks awesome!
I leave for my Penny trip tomorrow! I just posted about it and wish you could be on it too!
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence says
Thanks Averie. I’m heading over to your blog right now to check out your adventures. Wish I could be there too. So jealous!
Sommer Collier says
I have a fennel obsession as well and this, my friend, gave me shivers at first sight! Love it. 🙂
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence says
So glad all of the fennel lovers are chiming in. Thanks Sommer!
Itsfeedingtimeatthezoo says
I really, really love fennel. It’s such a beautiful vegetable. And I really, really love vodka. So together they look just about perfect.
Jodi + Michael says
Yummm! I’m not a big vodka lover, but wonder how it might taste with gin? Maybe add a little Sauv-blanc and citrus? Think we’ll have to try this. Great post! 🙂
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence says
Gin might be interesting. Not sure if the juniper notes of gin would conflict with the fennel. It’s worth a try though!
Platanosmangoes says
I am beginign to fall in love with you….your recipes are always fresh…this vodka sounds pretty good to me and I might just make some.
I forgot to comment on your ice cream post…as I deleted you by mistake…aslo a 5 star recipe.
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence says
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying the recipes 🙂
Nancy Buchanan says
Oh my goodness!! This is something I must try – as a fennel lover I can see all kinds of uses for this – brilliant!!
BTW, your photos are gorgeous Brandon – I love watching you get better and better!
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence says
Thanks so much Nancy!!